We invite you to take part in a flight on a plane of WWII time in honor of Victory Day
What you need to do to take part in the event?
- Below this article, leave a comment with following information:
A. Your nickname
B. What simulator you will use
C. What aircraft will will use
D. What day and time is the for you
We will contact you - THEN install JoinFS
- Visit our Teamspeak server with the nickname you wrote in the “application”. It means just enter the TS server briefly then leave it – we will find you in the server’s log and give permissions.
- If you have any questions – leave a comment or contact us via this page.
In the event you can use the following simulators:
- X-Plane
- FSX:Steam and FSX
- Prepar3D
- Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020
JoinFS program
This program can connect different simulators in one “virtual space”. It works like clients of VATSIM or IVAO.
The official site of JoinFS is HERE
Voice communication
For voice communication we will use TeamSpeak 3.
The address of our TS server: ts.virtual-pilots.com
- If there are several groups (languages, shared cockpit flights etc), we will use different channels. Communication between channels via the Whisper function.
- For “full immersion” we suggest installing Radio FX plugin – it simulates the of sound real radio (you can switch it on/off very fast).
Until further notice I offer a flight from Alaska to Russia (USSR) on the ALSIB route. Don’t use GPS and don’t look at a magic simulator map for the best immersion. We will use NDBs for the main navigation aid. C-47 or B-25 will lead, others will follow the leader in V-formation or front formation.
We can use one of the following variants:
- PAOM – PAGM (whoever wants to can go further to UHMA)
- PAOM – NDB LA – NDB NB – UHMA (more real, but very long)
I think participants can leave the event without explanation.
If you have any suggestions, ideas, thoughts – please write it in comments!
Day and time
We plan to make one or two flights in May.
Day and time will be chosen to suit the majority of applications / demands
You can use following aircraft models:
Aircraft | Total delivered on ALSIB | X-Plane 11 | FSX | Prepar 3D | MS2020 |
C-47 Skytrain | 707 | Free (good quality but with a “magic autopilot”) Payware – vSkylabs (the best) | Looks like it is included by default (?) | ? | ? |
А-20 | 1355 | Free (to display other participants) (we need to check) | ? | ? | ? |
Б-25 Mitchell | 729 | Payware – Khamsin Studio (very good quality) Free – (we need to check) Free (to display other participants) | ? | ? | ? |
P-40 | 47 | Free (we need to check) Free (to display other participants) | Free ? A2A | ? | ? |
P-39 Aircobra | 2616 | Free (to display other participants) Free (to display other participants) | ? | ? | ? |
P-63 Kingkobra | 2396 | No | ? | ? | ? |
T-6 Texan | 54 | Free (Good quality). Amazing sound mod (I recommend, it is recorded from real T-6) – download HERE | Payware А2А | ? | ? |
C-46 | 1 | Free (to display other participants) | ? | ? | ? |
We need to discuss:
- How to ensure that the weather will be the same for everyone?
- We need information about aircraft models (see the table above) in the following simulators: FSX:Steam and FSX, Prepar3D, Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020
- Creating simple rules
UPD 2021.05.12
I created a skin of T-6 Texan that could be used on the ALSIB route. + I can write your name on the aircraft (see my name in the pic below). Additionally, I recommended a new sound pack for the aircraft – it is amazing! (there is a link in the table above).
Probably to use only these aircraft for fly is good idea because they flown separately due to low speed. It will be more fun I think.

UPD 2021-05-19
Liveries T-6 Texan for Alex, Andy, Alexander (Pyro), Dmytro, Florian, Meow. Download the pack from this link and unpack to liveries in Texan T-6’s liveries folder.

This page will be updated – please follow updates
You can use the following aircraft: C-47, A-20, B-25, P-39, P-63, P-40, T-6 Texan, C-46.
Personally, I use X-Plane 11 and don’t know where you can get models for other sims. If someone will gave me links it would be great!
About day. It is planned to use one of Sat or Sun in May.
About time. For me personally, starting at 02:00 GMT would be more comfortable. But time will be chosen to suit the majority of applications / demands.
Hope it helps.
Write here what day and time is comfortable to you. For example for me it is comfortable any Weekend in May at 02:00 – 05:00 GMT, although I can fly some weekdays after 00:00 GMT
For me it is comfortable any Weekend in May at 20:00 – 22:00 GMT,
We did it! A report and a video (in Russian) you can find HERE.