Our group purchased “an ATC/AWACS/Radar tool for DCS” and we decided to test it immediately! Here a report about that flight day, where I will share my first impression about LotATC DCS…
First flight
Second flight
Third flight
Fourth Flight
Fifth flight
First flight
An unrecognized mark on the radar was detected nearby the coast. Two fighters Mig-21 was sent to intercept the unknown aircraft. Pilot Andy controlled second Mig-21. The illegal infiltrator was shot down by first Mig-21*. Both Mig21 returned to the base.
Andy and I tested an approaching control system. In the picture below it is represented how an approach looks like. LotATC DCS can be used as an advanced tool for a controller in DCS. A controller can help to land in limited visibility (night, weather etc). As well as a controller can monitoring flights

Second flight
A frontier intruder was detected on the radar. We tried to contact the intruder by
- Mig-21 was scrambled for the interception.
- Our Mig-21 passed closely the intruder. Andy (pilot of Mig-21) recognized the intruder as C-130 Aircraft.
- C-130 didn’t react to the presence of Mig-21.
- It was an attempt to show that the C-130 must follow Mig-21 – no success.
- Mig-21 demonstrated its weapons – no success.
- The target was shot down by pilot Andy by the order.
- The target crashed into the Black Sea.

Third flight
A low-speed and maneuverable target was detected on the radar. The target was on low altitude. A Mig-21scrambled to intercept the target.
Later the goal was identified as a helicopter. The intruder used terrain to hide from radar. Target’s mark appeared and disappeared on the radar*** That made the interception very complicate.

The intercept

Fourth flight
Another low-speed and maneuvrable target was detected which crossed the border. To intercept
Ka-50s were vectored by a GCI operator Alex. In the mountains the target constantly appeared/disappeared from the radar. After while the target didn’t appear on the radar. Both Ka-50s returned to the base.
Later, after flights, it was found out that enemy helicopter crashed into the mountain during escaping from our Ka-50 ****

Fifth flight
In short: a mark was found on the radar. Later it was recognized as two helicopters type “Gazelle”. The first enemy helicopter was hit by and ditched. Both Gazelle pilots were captured by ground forces. The second enemy helicopter followed its heading and was shot down by pilot Fox. The crash site was investigated by a special group which was delivered by Mi-8 (pilot Andy).
The investigation group found the wreckage of the enemy Gazelle and two

The fifth flight was very interesting – the video is HERE!
* – Actually, I forgot to remove Mig-21 bot. It took itself, bots radars said it where the target is… 😉
** Server LotATC DCS has a lot of settings. But even in the base
*** LotATC respects the physic of
**** In LotATC an operator doesn’t know does a target alive or not. He just can see a target if it will appear on radar.
I intentionally didn’t describe how LotATC works in details. It is a big topic. This article shows how we can make a serious event from a simple mission.
The flight day was really nice! Despite missions were super simple, the atmosphere was very exciting. Missions were really simple – it was made during ~10 min (just several pairs of Mig-21, Ka-50, Mi-8 were added on the map and two groups of enemies).
If players want to fly helicopters we can send them to intercept a low-speed target on low altitude. But if someone wants to fly Mig-21, we can send him to intercept an enemy plane. In
The secret is that when we hide all objects on the map (F10 view) + AWACS doesn’t non-stop chatting… In such
Consequently, LotAtc DCS creates beautiful environment which forces players to
Да. было интересно! Еще бы попробовать что-нибудь сообразить с наземным целеуказанием. Например для самолетов СУ-25Т есть возможность подсвечивать цели с земли, с помощью модуля Combined Arms.
It was interesting! It would be great to try something with a target destination. For example, with Su-25T we can use a target destination from Combined Arms.
Yes, it is a good idea. At least we can try to use smokes from Combined Arms as the target destination. I can be a controller and a forward observer – to show ground targets.
Additionally, I would like to mention that nobody (during two days of my hosting) didn’t complain about freezing. Isn’t it? Did you experience freezes?
Да, это хорошая идея. По крайней мере мы можем начать с использования дымов в Combined Arms как целеуказание. Я могу быть и диспетчером и передовым наводчиком.
Я хотел бы отметить, что за время моего хостинга никто не жаловался на фризы. Были ли фризы?
NO freezes here either.