Due to my business expansion i.e. development of my private clinic (expansion of working area, increasing of services etc) and business trip in Germany, I have to take a vacation 🙁
As you understand those things demands now extreme focus…
Unfortunately, I cannot do any organization things minimum up to July. Time to time, I will appear to fly as by myself or/and with someone, but I won’t do any organization thins or/and training, education.
I will check our site time to time (plugins update, security etc). I appoint Zigmund to admin of our TS, Red Pilot to admin of our site, Kap The Head to admin of Whats Up channel. Zigmind, Red Pilot and Kap The Head you can ban or add anyone according your decision.
If you have any questions – ask them as a comment to this article or via e-mail.
P.S. Today my family and I visited an airshow at nearby airport (near Montreal). I am publishing couple photos: one in the head, another below. The airshow was really cool!

МиГи в Монреале, да ещё и с красными звёздами, не ожидал …..